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History of Fairground Road Church of Christ
(Chadbourne North Church of Christ)

The history of the work at Fairground Road Church of Christ is quite an interesting one. The seventy-five feet facing Chadbourne which is now in use where the church building, class rooms, and minister's home is located was given to the Lord's church by Brother and Sister J.L. Rainey, who are now deceased.

The congregation had it's beginning on September 14, 1941. About thirty gathered for Sunday morning worship in the Rainey pecan house on 32nd street, under the influence of C.C. Henderson to form the nucleus of the Fairground Road Church of Christ. Brother A.C. Knight, Brother Shaw and Brother Rainey made three trips to Ft. Worth to obtain permits to buy the materials for the first building. This was because of the war and materials being rationed.

The original group which started the congregation came from the Harris and Irving street congregation. Brother John T. Smith was the preacher at Harris and Irving street congregation at the time. The only Church of Christ congregation in town. Among those worshipers that met September 14, 1941 were: C.C. Henderson and his mother.
Willie A. Turner, Ethel Turner, Yvonne Turner, Kenneth Turner.
Mrs. Floyd Payne, Florene Payne, and Mildred Payne.

History of Fairground Road Church of Christ
(Chadbourne North Church of Christ)
The history of the work at Fairground Road Church of Christ is quite an interesting one. The seventy-five feet facing Chadbourne which is now in use where the church building, class rooms, and minister's home is located was given to the Lord's church by Brother and Sister J.L. Rainey, who are now deceased.
The congregation had it's beginning on September 14, 1941. About thirty gathered for Sunday morning worship in the Rainey pecan house on 32nd street, under the influence of C.C. Henderson to form the nucleus of the Fairground Road Church of Christ. Brother A.C. Knight, Brother Shaw and Brother Rainey made three trips to Ft. Worth to obtain permits to buy the materials for the first building. This was because of the war and materials being rationed.
The original group which started the congregation came from the Harris and Irving street congregation. Brother John T. Smith was the preacher at Harris and Irving street congregation at the time. The only Church of Christ congregation in town. Among those worshipers that met September 14, 1941 were:

C.C. Henderson and his mother.

Willie A. Turner, Ethel Turner, Yvonne Turner, Kenneth Turner.

Mrs. Floyd Payne, Florene Payne, and Mildred Payne.

Luther (Luke) Wilson, Minnie Wilson (Mitchel), Boyd Wilson, Duane (Ken) Wilson, Maynard (Lee) Wilson

Roy and Oleta Adams, Dale and Dare Adams.

J.W. and Rhoda Adams and Madell.

J.L. and Maude Rainey and Naomi Rainey.

Oscar and Nita Moser.

R.P. and Rena Bell Cagle.

Leon and Irene Fry and son Leandus.

G.M. and Inez McClelland, Doris Foy and Bea McClelland.

A small frame building was completed by 1942 under the supervision of Ruben Moose. AC. Knight who had been given a plot of land on 42nd street sold the land and donated the $50.00 to the new building. While putting a roof on the building Brother AC. Knight was told by Ruben Moose that he should not be hammering nails because he didn't belong to the Carpenters Union. This did not stop Brother Knight from his work on the roof.

A small log cabin was built in the back of the small church building for class rooms.

Brother R.H. Stanley preached the first service, it was his birthday, he was 30 years old. He was Fairground Road Church of Christ first full time minister. In 1944 the congregation released him to begin a new congregation in the Santa Rita area and contributed $1,250.00 to start the building, plus individual donations to the new work.

A new brick auditorium was built by L.P. Cole overseer in 1948. The first meeting house was moved and turned sideways for classrooms and offices. John Keeney was the overseer for the building of the preacher's home. A barracks building was moved from Brady for more classrooms.

Preachers at Fairground Road Church of Christ have been:
Brother R.H. Stanley , 9-41 to 10-44
Brother A.C. Knight, 10-10-44 to 8-47.
Brother Falvey L. Conley, 11-47 to 12-48.
Brother M.E. (Mickey) Blake, 12-48 to 6-51.
Brother O.T. Denman, late 51 to middle 52.
Brother Marshal Davis, 10-8-52 to 5-31-54.
Brother M.R. Phillips, 8-1-54 to 10-1-60.
Brother Robert Boyle, 1961 to 1963.
Brother Joe Glenn, 3-13-64 to 9-23-68.
Brother Gordon Musick, 9-68 to Middle 1972.
Brother James H. Murphy, 9-1-72 to 5-25-77.
Brother Leo Owen, 9-1-77 to 5-1980.
Brother Linvil Baker, 1-31-81 to 10-13-82.
Brother Mike Wiggins,' 2-6-83 to 9-21-83.
Brother Silas Triplett, 9-28-83 to 7-19-86.
Brother David Ingram, 1987 to 1990.
Brother Frank Daniels, 7-1990 to 1996
Brother Frank Berthold - 1996 to Present

Billie Harris ,was hired as a full time bookkeeper in March 1967 retiring after Frank Daniels came. Lynell Seaton was hired as church secretary in Aug 1983 until 1987. David Ingram's wife served as secretary until 1990. Lynell Seaton was hired as secretary/bookkeeper Aug 9, 1990 until May 1, 1994.

Serving as Educational Directors were:

Brother L.A. Nowlin, 8-4-57 to 7-27-58.
Brother John W. Lauen, 4-1-66 to 9-23-66.
Brother Mark K. Lewis, (Served when James Murphy was minister).
Brother David Ingram, 1984 to 1987 (Was regular minister later).

Those who have served as Bishops at various times:

Brothers: R.P. Cagle, Oscar Moser, G.M. McClelland, W.L. Wharton Sr., Willie A. Turner, B.C. Colvin, Reef 0. Deans, N.A. Shaw, Fred Roberts, Barney J. Moore, Frederick (Fritz) Langohr, David Ingram, Bob Nichols, Franklin Flint, Kenneth Sherman, Garland Cross Jr., and John Seaton.

Deacons that have served the congregation at various times are:

Brothers: T.B. Moore, W.A. Turner, M.D, McMurray Jr., Reef 0. Deans, B.A. Thomason, J.W. Turk, J.N. Hopson, Richard Manus, O.L. Jones, Sr., D.L. Reagan, J.C. King, E.R. Brothers, Cecil Templeton, Robert L. Nichols, Wesley Jennings, Lester Bates, Lee Pundham, A.J. Martin, E.A. Chaney, Robert George, George Stewart, B.J. Moore, Charles Dennis, Franklin Flint, J.M. Stinnett, Bobby Meeks, Sonny Smith, Jene Paul Cornelius, Jodie Weeks, Odell Hamilton, Dennis Wolfshohl, Joe Cochran, Dan Anderson, John Seaton, Kenneth Sherman, Robert Porter, and Garland Cross Jr.

In the early Sixties, Brother Fred Roberts made a presentation to the Elders and Business Men of the work the World Bible School was doing and the possibilities of our members becoming active in this work. Almost immediately this work was started. Brother Fred Roberts, Brother Lee Harris Sister Lois Barnhill and many others of this congregation became very active in this work. Most of their students were from South Africa. Due to health reasons Brother Roberts gave up overseeing this work which is being carried on by Brother Kenneth Sherman.

The congregation supported Dew Evans in Denmark from August 1963 to Dec 1965, M.M. Rameriz in CdCuna, Mexico 1962 to 1963, Bert D. Hanson a native of Denmark 9-64 to 12-65, Henry Ciszek supported in Poland. Several other ministers were supported in different mission works at other times, but records have been destroyed. Several young men have had their preaching careers to begin while worshipping with this congregation.

1-25-68 the church purchased 4.6 acres of land joining the South and East ofthe church property. All property is clear of debts.

During the time Brother Leo Owen was minister, He and Brother Willie Turner went on a singing and preaching mission into Canada. At the first business meeting after their return, Brother Turner discussed with the Elders and Business Men a building they had visited where the entire inside of the building was covered with paneling. He recommended we do the same and the idea caught on. During this meeting Brother James Stinnett started a building fund for this purpose by making the first donation of $100.00. The money was raised and Brother James Stinnett brought his crew into the building to place the paneling over the walls and ceiling on the inside of the building. At the same time the wheelchair ramps were added to the entrances. A few months later the stucco was placed on the outside of the building and the fellowship hall was enlarged.

October 30, 1980 members of the Fairground Road Church of Christ loaned $31,250.00 to retire a debt owed by the church. At the time of this note, a number of the members had small savings accounts drawing an average of 6% interest. Loan companies were charging 16 to 18% interest for borrowing money. The elders made the members a proposition that if the members would loan their money to the church in any amount of $100.00 and up, they would pay 10% interest therefore giving them 4% more interest than they were receiving and would save the church 6 to 8% interest. The congregation accepted the challenge to the extent that they had to place a limit on the amount individuals could loan and also the total amount borrowed so that all could have a part in the project. All notes were paid and no money was owed on November 1, 1983. It should also be noted that most individuals, when they received a check for the interest, endorsed the checks and placed them back into the contributions.